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Opening shot of a wide landscape of a grassland. The sun is starting to set, highlighting the yellow grass and the lush greens of the tall trees.

As the camera pans closer to one of the trees, we see a boy standing nearby, looking up at the towering tree in fascination.

As the camera pans closer to one of the trees, we see a boy standing nearby, looking up at the towering tree in fascination.

Suddenly, three mysterious 3D gizmos in red, green, and blue appear out of tiny air bubbles, hovering in the air before the boy.

Suddenly, three mysterious 3D gizmos in red, green, and blue appear out of tiny air bubbles, hovering in the air before the boy.

RED: Hey! YOU THERE! Do you speak Finnish?

The boy looks bewildered for a moment before tentatively answering.
BOY: Uhh, no. I don't know Finnish.

GREEN: (whispering to the other gizmos) I didn't think so.

BLUE: (clears throat) Well, that's not important. What is important is this magnificent tree that stands before us.

BLUE: (clears throat) Well, that's not important. What is important is this magnificent tree that stands before us.

The camera zooms in on the tree, showing its intricate bark and a few leaves rustling in the breeze.

The camera zooms in on the tree, showing its intricate bark and a few leaves rustling in the breeze.

BLUE: This is an Africa tree, otherwise known as the Baobab tree.
RED: (excitedly) Did you know that the Baobab tree can live up to 3,000 years? That's older than any of us, that's for sure!

BLUE: This is an Africa tree, otherwise known as the Baobab tree.
RED: (excitedly) Did you know that the Baobab tree can live up to 3,000 years? That's older than any of us, that's for sure!

GREEN: (smiling) And take a look at those thick trunks. They can hold up to 32,000 gallons of water, which is quite impressive if you ask me.
BLUE: (nodding head) Not to mention, this tree also plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

GREEN: (smiling) And take a look at those thick trunks. They can hold up to 32,000 gallons of water, which is quite impressive if you ask me.
BLUE: (nodding head) Not to mention, this tree also plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

---two hours later---

---two hours later---

As the gizmos continue to share facts about the tree, the camera pans around the boy and the tree, showing different angles of the tree's majestic beauty.

As the gizmos continue to share facts about the tree, the camera pans around the boy and the tree, showing different angles of the tree's majestic beauty.

BOY: (in awe) This is amazing. I never knew a tree could be so important.

BOY: (in awe) This is amazing. I never knew a tree could be so important.

RED: (smiling) That's right, young one. Every living thing has its own unique story, and the Baobab tree is just one of many. It's up to us to learn about and appreciate the world around us.

RED: (smiling) That's right, young one. Every living thing has its own unique story, and the Baobab tree is just one of many. It's up to us to learn about and appreciate the world around us.

GREEN: (suddenly disappearing into the air) Well, our work here is done. Time to move on to the next adventure!

GREEN: (suddenly disappearing into the air) Well, our work here is done. Time to move on to the next adventure!

BLUE: (disappearing as well) Farewell, young one! May you continue to discover the wonders of this world!

BLUE: (disappearing as well) Farewell, young one! May you continue to discover the wonders of this world!

As all three gizmos disappear into tiny air bubbles, the camera lingers on the boy, still standing in awe of the Baobab tree and the knowledge he gained about it.

As all three gizmos disappear into tiny air bubbles, the camera lingers on the boy, still standing in awe of the Baobab tree and the knowledge he gained about it.

[Closing shot shows a panoramic view of the grassland, with the Baobab tree standing tall and proud in the center.]

[Closing shot shows a panoramic view of the grassland, with the Baobab tree standing tall and proud in the center.]

U No Finish??

U No Finish??