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“Welcome to Photo-store L.E.D Screen” made with photoshop 2023 (two-three.)



Fade Son.

Fade Son.



They discussed it further as they sliced them at the Store. NULL said, "Duck! sensei!" Meanwhile, Amy's cat meowed continuously nonstop

98 sun

98 sun

“Same shot, different x & y, random seed 3006…” NULL said loudly with calculator sound in the background…

“Same shot, different x & y, random seed 3006…” NULL said loudly with calculator sound in the background…

Slice them in PhotoStore.

Slice them in PhotoStore.



It seemed like the same shot with different x & y and random seed 3006 was causing a commotion in the room.

It seemed like the same shot with different x & y and random seed 3006 was causing a commotion in the room.



NULL: Duck! ! sensei…

NULL: Duck! ! sensei…

Everyone assumed that this could be because of the heartbeat rhythm of the people present in the room.

Everyone assumed that this could be because of the heartbeat rhythm of the people present in the room.

Meow meow…  Cats may appear to be self-obsessed animals as they often groom themselves, but their fascination with mirrors goes beyond that. When you place a mirror in front of a cat, they may stare at it with deep interest for hours.

Meow meow… Cats may appear to be self-obsessed animals as they often groom themselves, but their fascination with mirrors goes beyond that. When you place a mirror in front of a cat, they may stare at it with deep interest for hours.

Kratos sensei! Where did you go?

Kratos sensei! Where did you go?

Comeback here sir, look at this graph here. Do you notice anything wrong?

Comeback here sir, look at this graph here. Do you notice anything wrong?

Is it Black? One possible explanation is that cats initially perceive their reflection as another cat and believe that they are encountering a potential rival?

Is it Black? One possible explanation is that cats initially perceive their reflection as another cat and believe that they are encountering a potential rival?

No it’s wiggle. Don’t you see it giggle in “tree D”? Is it BirdBox again?

No it’s wiggle. Don’t you see it giggle in “tree D”? Is it BirdBox again?

Now it turns to purple, I think it changed color based on our heartbeat rhythm…

Now it turns to purple, I think it changed color based on our heartbeat rhythm…

I forgot what I gonna tell them next sensei K…

I forgot what I gonna tell them next sensei K…

Everyone looked around and asked, "Where are we now Kratos??"

Everyone looked around and asked, "Where are we now Kratos??"

NULL then remembered what he wanted to say earlier. He pointed at the graph and said, "This looks like a strange pattern. It appears that the random seed 3006 has somehow altered the...

NULL then remembered what he wanted to say earlier. He pointed at the graph and said, "This looks like a strange pattern. It appears that the random seed 3006 has somehow altered the...



It was a moment to be cherished and remembered for a lifetime.

Wear more Sunglasses Sensei!i!i!

Wear more Sunglasses Sensei!i!i!

In the end, everyone agreed that Kratos sensei had saved them with his words of wisdom. The room was filled with laughter and joy as everyone put on their sunglasses in honor of Kratos sensei

Some may even attempt to paw at the seemingly identical feline staring back at them. But why do cats react this way towards mirrors?

This lack of sensory input could engage their curiosity, causing them to try and interact with their reflection.

Kratos sensei laughed and said, "That's right! We need to wear more sunglasses." Everyone nodded in agreement and got ready to go on with their work.

Kratos sensei laughed and said, "That's right! We need to wear more sunglasses." Everyone nodded in agreement and got ready to go on with their work.